Collection's Items (Sorted by Data de depósito in descendente order): 1 to 20 of 41
Pré-visualizar | Data | Título | Autor(es) | Tipo | Acesso |
 | 2022 | Repetitive Negative Thinking and Sexual Functioning in Portuguese Men and Women: A Cross-Sectional Study | Peixoto, Maria Manuela; Ribeiro, Vera | Artigo | Acesso Aberto |
 | 2022 | Quality of life and emotional well-being during COVID-19 as mediators in the relationship between sexual functioning and satisfaction in Portuguese women | Peixoto, Maria Manuela; Lopes, Julia | Artigo | Acesso Aberto |
 | 2022 | Sexual Satisfaction in Portuguese Women: Differences Between Women With Clinical, Self-Perceived and Absence of Sexual Difficulties | Peixoto, Maria Manuela | Artigo | Acesso Aberto |
 | 2021 | Measurement Invariance of Female Sexual Function Index: A study with heterosexual and lesbian Portuguese women | Peixoto, Maria Manuela | Artigo | Acesso Aberto |
 | 2018 | The relation between social anxiety, social withdrawal and (cyber)bullying roles: A multilevel analysis | Coelho, Vítor Alexandre; Romão, Ana Maria | Artigo | Acesso Aberto |
 | 2021 | Differential Effectiveness of an Elementary School Social and Emotional Learning : Program during Middle School Transition in Portugal | Coelho, Vítor Alexandre; Brás, Patrícia; Matsopoulos, Anastassios | Artigo | Acesso Controlado |
| 2022 | Family iiteracy practices and their contribution to emergent literacy skills during COVID-19 pandemic | Cruz, Joana; Mackaaij, Maria; Bilimória, Helena; Gandra, Daniela | Artigo | Acesso Aberto |
 | 2021 | Psychometric properties of the Comic Style Markers – Portuguese version: applying bifactor and hierarchical approaches to studying broad versus narrow styles of humor | Moreira, Paulo; Inman, Richard A. | Artigo | Acesso Aberto |
 | 2022 | Engagement and disengagement with sustainable development : further conceptualization and evidence of validity for the Engagement/Disengagement in Sustainable Development Inventory (EDiSDI) | Moreira, Paulo; Inman, Richard A.; Hanel, Paul H. P.; Faria, Sara; Araújo, Marta; Pedras, Susana; Cunha, Diana | Artigo | Acesso Aberto |
 | 2021 | Humor and personality : temperament and character have different roles | Moreira, Paulo; Inman, Richard A.; Cloninger, C. Robert | Artigo | Acesso Aberto |
 | 2021 | Virtues in action are related to the integration of both temperament and character : comparing the VIA classification of virtues and Cloninger’s biopsychosocial model of personality | Moreira, Paulo; Inman, Richard A.; Cloninger, C. Robert | Artigo | Acesso Aberto |
 | 2021 | The exposure to violence questionnaire in adolescents: psychometrics and associations with well-being | Pedras, Susana; Moreira, Paulo; Ramanlho, Sofia; Inman, Richard A.; Faria, Sara; Araújo, Marta | Artigo | Acesso Aberto |
 | 2021 | Subjective wellbeing in gypsy students | Moreira, Paulo; Biblimória, Helena; Lopes, Sandra | Artigo | Acesso Aberto |
 | 2021 | Beliefs About Psychological Problems Inventory (BAPPI) : development and psychometric properties | Moreira, Paulo; Cardoso, Ana M. G.; Cancela, Diana M. G.; Oliveira, João Tiago | Artigo | Acesso Aberto |
 | 2021 | Reactance and personality : assessing psychological reactance using a biopsychosocial and person-centered approach | Moreira, Paulo; Inman, Richard A.; Cloninger, C. Robert | Artigo | Acesso Aberto |
 | 2021 | Assessing the unidimensionality of Clayton’s Environmental Identity Scale using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Bifactor Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling (bifactor-ESEM) | Moreira, Paulo; Loureiro, Ana; Inman, Richard A.; Olivos-Jara, Pablo | Artigo | Acesso Aberto |
 | 2021 | Student engagement with school and personality: a biopsychosocial and person-centered approach | Moreira, Paulo; Inman, Richard A.; Cloninger, Kevin; Cloninger, C. Robert | Artigo | Acesso Aberto |
 | 2020 | The psychobiological model of personality and its association with student approaches to learning : Integrating temperament and character | Moreira, Paulo; Inman, Richard A.; Rosa, Inês; Cloninger, Kevin; Duarte, António; Cloninger, C. Robert | Artigo | Acesso Aberto |
 | 2020 | Assessing the dimensionality of student school engagement survey : support for a multidimensional bifactor model | Inman, Richard A.; Moreira, Paulo; Cunha, Diana; Castro, Jorge | Artigo | Acesso Aberto |
 | 2020 | School social organization influences adolescents' cognitive engagement with school : the role of school support for learning and of autonomy | Moreira, Paulo | Artigo | Acesso Aberto |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Data de depósito in descendente order): 1 to 20 of 41