Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/11067/7369
Título: Managing sustainable megaevents : past, present and future
Autor: Oliveira, Elizabeth Real de
Cardoso, Fernando Manuel dos Santos
Barbosa, Isabel
Palavras-chave: Eventos - Gestão
Desenvolvimento sustentável
Data: 2023
Editora: Universidade Lusíada Editora
Citação: Oliveira, Elizabeth Real de, Cardoso, Fernando, Barbosa, Isabel (2023) - Managing sustainable megaevents : past, present and future. In Ferreira, Ana Cristina, e outros, coord. - International conference on technology management and operations. Lisboa : Universidade Lusíada Editora. - ISBN 978-898-640-273-0 - P. 111-124.
Resumo: A bibliometric literature review systematically analyses and synthesizes research findings from numerous publications. This study aims to conduct a bibliometric literature review on sustainable megaevents management, identifying current trends, knowledge gaps, and future research directions. A comprehensive search was conducted using Scopus to identify relevant articles, with no time restrictions due to the dynamic nature of the field. The study used bibliometric software, namely Biblioshiny, and VOSviewer, to analyse bibliographic data, including co-citation and co-authorship analysis. Based on the analyses of the 397 articles, the results of the bibliometric analysis provided insights into the most influential authors (namely Getz, D.; Scholtz, M.; Ziakas, V.), journals (such as Journal of Clearner Production and Journal of Sustainable Tourism), and trends in the field of managing sustainable megaevents (for example, sustainable development and economic and social effects of megaevents). The findings of this study contribute to a better understanding of the current state of research on managing sustainable megaevents. The study highlights the most significant research themes and identifies potential areas for future research related with sustainability, innovation, and stakeholder engagement. Additionally, the study provides a valuable resource for practitioners, policymakers, and researchers interested in the field of sustainable megaevents.
Descrição: Ferreira, Ana Cristina, e outros (2023) - International conference on technology management and operations. - Lisboa : Universidade Lusíada Editora. - ISBN 978-898-640-273-0.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11067/7369
Tipo de Documento: Parte de Livro
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