Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/11067/7367
Título: Virtual and hybird immersive events from the knowledge management perspective : Brazilian Oil & Gas Company cases
Autor: Azevedo Jr., D. P.
Muniz Jr., Jorge
Campo, Renato
Palavras-chave: Petrobas
Gestão do conhecimento - Brasil
Inovações tecnológicas - Gestão - Brasil
Data: 2023
Editora: Universidade Lusíada Editora
Citação: Azevedo Jr., D. P., Muniz Jr., Jorge, Campos, Renato (2023) - Virtual and hybird immersive events from the knowledge management perspective : Brazilian Oil & Gas Company cases. In Ferreira, Ana Cristina, e outros, coord. - International conference on technology management and operations. Lisboa : Universidade Lusíada Editora. - ISBN 978-898-640-273-0. - P. 88-99.
Resumo: The digitization of the economy, already quite advanced before 2020, accelerated significantly during the pandemic. Restrictions on holding face-to-face educational events during this period stimulated the development of its virtual and hybrid versions, bringing new challenges to workforce skills development. This paper discusses the use of 3D virtual environments and Metaverse in carrying out workforce training events, including considerations about pre, during or post-event, from the knowledge management perspective, a SWOT based on a multidisciplinary approach and a proposed checklist to operation management of virtual and hybrid events. A Brazilian Oil & Gas Company case supports the discussion with lessons learned from three events (2021 to 2022) involving 8,000 people and more than 104,000 man-hours of participation. The findings highlight the democratization of access to knowledge, the innovation's effectiveness in knowledge management with 90% satisfaction among the participants. Among the results are the 329% increase in employee participation in 2021 compared to previous editions.
Descrição: Ferreira, Ana Cristina, e outros (2023) - International conference on technology management and operations. - Lisboa : Universidade Lusíada Editora. - ISBN 978-898-640-273-0.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11067/7367
Tipo de Documento: Parte de Livro
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